Bad approach to workout and nutrition

People have hard time deciding whether to start working out or not. Most people doesn’t have time, or they are finding excuses because they think workout is duty and not something which can help them. But problem is in that people don’t realise how much time they lost doing nothing or doing something which is bad for them. Would it be better to turn staring at the smartphone or TV into something that is going to relax you, even if it going to be tiresome. It is unnecessarily to go to the gym because you can create your own gym with few equipment, and you can do workout with the same effect as going to gym. That is willpower, so, no excuses.

People often have wrong approach to fitness. They start to train and then give up when they get more duties at school, college, family and on the job. And they give up the most when they don’t see any result on their body after one month of training. Very few people take care of nutrition, and that is key to success. You don’t care when after treadmill or tough cardio workout you have pizza or burger for lunch because you believe you waste that much calories.

Balanced regular workout and correct nutrition are key to desired results. In order to get to the goal, I will mention few things which you should never do, and people often makes those mistakes:

1. I wanna lose some weight and I won’t eat the whole day

  • This is very dangerous to health and can cause various problems with hormones. That way your body suffer a lot stress, metabolism get slower.. You won’t get anything if you sustain yourself from eating and then in the evening you eat as much as you would eat during the whole day. You should eat moderately few times a day.

2. I haven’t eat 18 hours

  • Your body needs energy in every part of the day even during sleep. This is also mistake you should never apply in order to get fitter.

3. I love at night when I watch series to eat chocolate or some snacks

  • If you want to lose weight, snacks and sugar are first thing you need to dismiss. They have high percentage of calories and they are very unhealthy.

4. I am working out for a month and I don’t see any changes

  • You need to be aware yourself and your mirror image. Only then you will be ready to do something your body and health. Some people will get result fast, and for someone it will take some time. Results in a month are impossible. Often people ask question, “how fast can i lose weight?”, and then they are dissapointed  when they hear that you need 3,4 months to see the first results. Don’t expect sudden changes, they are impossible with natural way.

5. Working out is a duty

  • Workout should be something which can bring you joy, because you are dedicating time to yourself and that way you eject negative energy. The moment you are thinking about workout as something which is good for your and not as a duty, you will be ready to transform from caterpillar to butterfly!


On Serbian:

Ljudi se teško odlučuju da krenu sa vežbanjem. Dobar deo nema vremena, ili (ne)namerno pronalaze izgovore, jer vežbanje smatraju obavezom, a ne vrstom pomoći. Ali, problem je u tome što većina ljudi nije svesna koliko vremena izgubi neradeći nista ili radeći nešto što je štetno za njih. Zar ne bi bilo bolje da buljenje u ekran telefona ili televizora zamenite nečim što će vas opustiti, iako će zahtevati napor. Nije potrebno ići u teretane, jer možete napraviti i vašu sopstvenu teretanu sa par rekvizita, i raditi vežbe, a koje će biti isto efikasne kao i kada biste ih radili u teretani. Sve je stvar volje, dakle nema izgovora!

Ljudi veoma često pogrešno pristupaju fitnesu. Krenu da treniraju i onda odustanu kada dobiju više obaveza u školi, na faksu ili u porodici i na poslu. A najčešće prestaju kada vide da posle mesec dana nema nikakvih rezultata. Mali broj ljudi vodi računa o ishrani, a to je ključ uspeha. Ništa vam ne znači da posle trčanja na traci ili nekih jakih kardio vežbi, odete na visokokaloričnu pljeskavicu ili picu, jer smatrate da ste se istrošili.

Izbalansiran redovan trening i pravilna ishrana dovode do željenih rezultata. Kako biste što pre stigli do cilja, navešću nekoliko stvari koje nipošto ne treba raditi, a koje ljudi redovno prave i pritom greše:

1.Želim da smršam, neću da jedem ceo dan

  • Ovo je vrlo opasno po zdravlje i može da dovede do raznih poremećaja s hormonima. Na taj način vaš organizam trpi veliki šok, metabolizam se usporava… Ništa nećete dobiti ako ceo dan trpite da ne jedete, a onda uveče pojedete isto toliko koliko biste jeli celog dana. Treba jesti umereno više puta dnevno.

2.Nisam jela 18 sati

  • Vašem telu je potrebna energija u svakom delu dana, pa i tokom sna. Ovo je takođe stavka koju nikako ne bi trebalo da primenjujete.

3.Obožavam da uveče dok gledam seriju jedem čokoladu ili grickalice

  • Ako želite da smanjite broj kilograma, slatkiši i grickalice su stavke koje prve morate izbaciti. Sem što su visokokalorične, skroz su nezdrave.

4.Vežbam mesec dana i ne vidim nikakve promene

  • Morate biti svesni sebe i svog odraza u ogledalu. Tek tada ćete biti spremni da učinite nešto za svoje telo. Nekome će se rezultati brzo pojaviti, a nekom će biti potrebno duže vreme. Ali rezultati za mesec dana su nemogući. Često ljudi pitaju za koliko mogu da smršaju, a onda se razočaraju kada čuju da je to minimum 3, 4 meseca. Ne očekujte nagle promene, jer su nemoguće prirodnim putem.

5.Trening je obaveza

  • Trening treba da bude nešto što vam pričinjava zadovoljstvo, jer se posvećujete sebi, a na taj način i izbacujete negativnu energiju. Onog trenutka kada trening počnete da doživljavate kao nešto što vam prija, bićete spremni da se transformišete iz gusenice u prelepog leptira !

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